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Company NewsThe first batch of Interlay firefighters' firefighting suits in China to meet the requirements of the Type 20 standard

On April 27, 2021, Liu Xuefeng, General Manager of Interlay, and the Deputy Director of the Technical Center were invited to participate in the "20 style Firefighter Bunker gear Product System Technical Seminar" held by the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Emergency Management Department and the Fire Product Conformity Assessment Center. Other participants in the meeting include the Deputy Director of the Logistics Equipment Department of the Fire Rescue Bureau of the Emergency Management Department, the Director of the Fire Product Qualification Evaluation Center, and the Executive Deputy Director of the Inspection Center of the Shanghai Fire Research Institute. The meeting was held mainly to solve the problem that after the type 20 firefighters' Bunker gear was unified, the identification Velcro was added, and it was required that it must comply with the XF 10-2014 standard. However, Velcro is a special product. At present, the conventional Velcro on the market does not meet the standards, which has led to the nationwide stagnation of fire clothing bidding since this year. All firefighters' Bunker gear cannot be batch inspected, all fire clothing manufacturers cannot sell their products normally for several consecutive months, and the national fire rescue team cannot purchase, making the Fire Rescue Bureau, Shanghai Testing Center, Qualified Product Assessment Center Both manufacturers and users are facing awkward issues. At the meeting, General Manager Liu Xuefeng introduced that after receiving the notice of the 20th style standard, the R&D personnel of Intel worked day and night before and after the Spring Festival and quickly developed a new type of flame retardant Velcro, which not only met the standard requirements but also met national standards, achieving the unity of the standard requirements and national standards. We hope that the Shanghai Testing Center can conduct batch inspections according to the standards as soon as possible. According to the Shanghai Testing Center of the Emergency Management Department at the meeting, so far, Interlay is one of the first manufacturers in China to pass the inspection of flame-retardant Velcro. This also demonstrates the leading position of Interlay in scientific research and innovation capabilities across the country. According to the requirements of Interlay, the meeting decided that the 20 type Bunker gear for firefighters could be changed as soon as possible according to the procedure, and Shanghai Testing Center would conduct the change confirmation inspection. After the change, the normal batch inspection and sales could be carried out. The specific implementation plan will be jointly determined by the Shanghai Testing Center and the Fire Products Qualification Evaluation Center.



Company NewsResearch and development of disposable medical protective clothing

In this war without gunpowder, Interlay actively responded to the call of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, and made significant progress by utilizing its research and development advantages and production capacity. The production department and research and development center actively cooperated to develop medical disposable protective clothing urgently needed on the front line of the epidemic, and made significant progress. During the epidemic, the director of the technical center, Zhong Jianjun, disregarded the risk of virus transmission and traveled long distances, actively organizing the production of equipment and raw materials for medical protective clothing; The deputy chief engineer of the company, Ding Zhixin, organized the renovation of the 100000 level purification workshop and led employees to carry, install, and debug equipment day and night. Chen Hongyan, Product Manager of the Technical Center, designs and guides the plate making and cutting of protective clothing, and organizes product testing; The Minister of Production, Hu Xiufang, organized technical workers to accelerate production; Laboratory director Sun Xuefeng is researching and mastering medical product standards and testing methods... All departments are working together to strive for the early delivery of disposable medical protective clothing to the front line.



Company NewsInterlay participates in the 18th China International Fire Equipment Technology Exchange Exhibition

由消防协会主办的第十八届中国国际消防展于10月16日在新国展隆重开展,此次展会为期4天,4天内消防行业的各大展商齐聚于此,展会呈现出百花齐放的盛大景象,作为行业内的领头羊,英特莱带着自己先进的产品、技术和理念傲然屹立在众展商中。 此次展会,英特莱展区面积是历年最大的,也是个人防护装备企业中面积最大的,展区分为3个大的区域,系统防护展区、消防清洗4S+服务中心展区和消防员心理建设展区。其中清洗和心理这两个区域,其布展格局是杭州消防支队消防服装4S+服务中心及广西南宁市良庆心理项目的情景再现。 系统防护区域又分为消防头盔、消防靴、消防雄师英雄防护系统区域、消防救援森警防护系统区域和备勤防护区域,此外英特莱还为合作伙伴PBI和安全部件公司提供了相应的展示区域。系统防护区域展台上摆放着各类防护服装百余套、头盔30余顶、鞋靴近百双,此外还有手套、头罩、装备包等共计300余件展品,各类装备品种齐全、亮点突出、布置合理,展现出了英特莱良好的企业形象及自信的企业风采。 PBI消防员灭火服和指挥服象征着英特莱消防服早已处在世界领先水平,PBI高断强、高撕破和其独有的防爆然性能,远远领先于芳纶灭火服。我们的ZFMH-YTL O(DRD)款PBI Max消防服被评为2109中国国际消防设备技术交流展览会创新产品,这是在200多种产品中评选出的39个创新产品之一,可见评选竞争之激烈,我们的产品技术含量之高。 高透低重灭火服和指挥服更体现了我们以人为本的设计理念,从消防员实际工作中的体感出发,换位思考,考虑什么样的消防服才是消防员实际需要的,什么样的消防服才是最适合消防员在工作中穿着的。在恶劣的火场环境中,消防员往往需要在高温的环境中大量活动,在此过程影响较大的两个因素,一是重量,二是透湿率。俗话说:十里行不多斤,百里行不加两。在消防员体能极限时,消防服的那几十克甚至十几克的重量极有可能成为压倒消防员的最后那根稻草,从而影响事态结果。所以,我们时刻想着在保证服装防护性能的基础上每减轻一克,消防员就多一分安全。众所周知,皮肤也是呼吸器官,消防员在工作中身体上产生的大量水蒸气如果不及时排出,可能会加快体表温度上升,导致血液流动加快,影响心率,甚至产生休克,这对作业中的消防员是极为不利的。所以透湿率是消防服很重要的指标。我们的消防服重量在2.25千克左右,轻于标准约1.25千克,透湿率8000左右,高于标准60%,大大提高了消防员火场工作中的安全系数。 这次展会还展出了符合森林消防局规范的森林夏季抢险救援服以及符合林业局国标的森林防火服。森林消防局领导参观后,感到我们的森林夏季抢险救援服和森林防火服很合他们的心意,表示赞许。从观众的反映来看,森林抢先救援服作为市场的新产品,大家对其关注度很高,也为展区吸引了许多流量。另外,我们还展出为大兴机场设计的救援服,大兴机场消防作为众机场的消防标杆,相信必会影响其他机场对消防装备的采购取向。我们从城市消防的领先到森林消防、机场消防的涉及,表明我们已经为改制后的多灾种、多场合的消防救援市场状况提前做好了准备。 我们的消防备勤防护服装早已形成系统,对于改制后的国家综合性消防救援队伍来说,其更加契合、更具有实用意义。使用消防备勤防护系统,可以增强防护性能,完善防护体系,创新管理观念,具有较强的现实意义。消防备勤防护系统与防护服相互配合、相互补充,形成从内到外,适应不同地区、不同季节、不同场合的防护,增强了消防员的安全保障。这次展会在原有备勤服装基础上,还增加了“火焰蓝”系列备勤服装,更符合当前消防救援队伍的职业特征,也是对当前消防救援队伍“火焰蓝”体系服装的补充和完善。 祖国70周年大庆上,受阅飞行员穿着的享尽无限风光的19式连体飞行服,也出展了此次展会。它在举世瞩目的盛典上为壮军威壮国威增添了光彩,它代表了英特莱先进的技术水准,也体现出英特莱对国家、社会的担当和责任,更符合当今军民融合发展的国家战略需要。 除此之外,我们还展出了与沈阳消防研究所合作设计的通信马甲和与上海消防研究所合作设计的地震抢险救援服等,无不体现出英特莱过硬的研发实力。 这次展会展出的展品技术先进、理念前卫、亮点突出。技术创新是企业发展的血液,英特莱一步一个脚印地走过了1/4世纪,相信在未来,英特莱会设计制造出更多更好保护消防员安全的消防服,“为消防员安全回家”。



Company NewsThe 70th Anniversary Parade of the New Generation Air Force Flight Suit Presented as a National Day Gift by Interlay Technology

On October 1, at the 70th anniversary military parade of the China, the one-piece flight suits worn by all the officers and fighters of the new aircraft formations of the air force were widely concerned at home and abroad. This is a significant adjustment and innovation in the variety system of Chinese Air Force flight suits over the past 60 years since 1956, when the air force changed from a single piece to a split piece. The design concept of the new generation of one-piece flight suit, jointly developed and designed by Beijing Interlay Technology Co., Ltd., Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University and Special Service Research Institute of Air Force Research Institute, is derived from the famous poem of the founder of the People's Liberation Army, Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring • Changsha": eagle strikes the sky, fish soars at the bottom, and all kinds of frost compete for freedom. The basic silhouette of the new generation of integrated flight suits is an inverted trapezoidal shape with eagle wings, incorporating flight runway elements in the design, highlighting Chinese characteristics. The design philosophy adheres to the guidance of operational needs and establishes the concept of safety first; Adhere to international first-class standards and establish innovative and forward-looking thinking; Adhere to the combination of inheritance and development, and focus on creating classic military uniforms; Adhere to the direction of localization and ensure material supply. The style adopts a connected design to reduce clothing spin during ejection and ensure stable control of the parachute landing posture. At the same time, prevent flames from entering the gaps and causing skin burns in the event of a fire. The material adopts a permanent flame retardant fiber blend, greatly improving the flame retardant safety protection performance. The new generation of flight suits adopts a closed design at all openings, making it difficult to hook up cabin equipment and avoiding misoperation. In addition, the new generation of flight suits and flight equipment have good compatibility, fully reflecting the principles of ergonomics, effectively improving fitness and comfort. The successful development of the new generation of flight suits has shortened the gap between China's air force flight suit variety system and the international advanced level by 60 years, and the gap between safety protection performance and international level by 40 years. It has achieved effective unity of functionality, comfort, and aesthetics, reflecting the professional characteristics, hero image, and personality charm of the air superiority, and achieved the design goals of international level, Chinese characteristics, technological leadership, and artistic classics.

Company Profile

Beijing Yingtelai Technology Co., Ltd was established in 1994 and initiated the establishment of Beijing Yingtelai Technology Co., Ltd in 2001. Beijing Yingtelai Technology Co., Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise, Zhongguancun high-tech enterprise, Military-civil combined enterprise, one of the top 30 fire protection enterprises, a SRDI enterprise, and a member of the national engineering laboratory for fire protection and emergency rescue. With a registered capital of 60.8 million yuan, it covers an area of 38000 square meters and a building area of more than 20000 square meters. It is mainly engaged in the research and development, manufacture, sales of high-tech safety protection products such as personal protective equipment for firefighters, air force flight suits, etc. Yingtelai is the first 3C certified enterprise in the Chinese fire protection industry that is exempt from on-site inspection. Following the quality policy of "To keep abreast with the world", Yingtelai has prioritized the establishment of advanced laboratories and advanced imported production lines for fire protective clothing in domestic industry. It has established a comprehensive quality certification system, and its product brand, performance, quality, and service are widely renowned among domestic and foreign users.

global partner
As one of the top 100 innovative enterprises in Zhongguancun and one of the top 30 Chinese fire protection enterprises, Yingtelai has collaborated with Tsinghua University and the China Astronaut Center to research and develop the latest technology for fire protection equipment; On the other hand, we have established strategic partnerships with world-renowned fire protection equipment companies such as PBI in the United States, Safety Components in the United States, and Stedfast in Canada, thereby interpreting the spirit of "To keep abreast with the world".
To Let Firefighters Go Home Safely!

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